Thursday, September 30, 2010

16 weeks!

We had another doctors appointment Tuesday, everything looks great. The babies' heart beats were 150 and 140. We have an ultrasound scheduled in 4 weeks woohoo! 

Been feeling much better lately.  I have even been walking at lunch now. I thought I might try to do a little yoga after I walked but its amazing how much flexibility you lose after 4 months of no stretching and no working out.  I couldn't even touch my toes, I suppose that might have something to do with the baby bump too.

I will try to update this more often now :)


  1. YOU ARE BEA-UTIFUL!!!! :))) Yay walking, yoga, and stretching! You are the ultimate winner of carrying twins!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I love to tell people everywhere that my sister is pregnant!!!
    I LOVE YOU!!
    -Kaite (your favorite sister)

  2. you are so beautiful!! i love love this picture, the twins are going to be as beautiful as you and marcus! i cant wait for them to come! enjoy being prego =] love you sister,
    -tara (your real favorite sister)
