Thursday, January 20, 2011

32 weeks

32 week appointment was Tuesday, everything still looks great they say!!  Baby A was 3.9lbs and Baby B was 4.1lbs.  They are growing good!  Baby B is still being stuborn and won't turn head down, and because he is bigger than A now they said to probably expect a c-section unless things change before I go into labor.  Still trying to hold out for 36 weeks, 4 more to go!!  Sleeping has become a real challenge, but at least the boys have been behaving at night and not fighting over which side I should lay on anymore :)
I also had a non-stress test today and both babies passed.  (A non-stress test is where they put a heart monitor band on each baby and one on my uterus, and then you just lay there for about half an hour) Baby B was not very cooperative!  I don't think he liked the tight band on him and was moving around a lot so the nurse had to keep moving the band around to find his heartbeat again :)  It was fun to see their heartbeats change when they moved around! 

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